Original Speech (SL text)

(conference title: IV Italian CF Spring Seminar, Recent Advances and Future Developments in CF Research
conference reference: CFF4
conference main topic: health
conference date: 2006-05-20
conference location: Verona
conference session: opening
session title: NA
speech event: opening-closing remarks
speech number: 002
speech type: org-it
speech title: NA
duration: short
timing: 113
speech length: short
number of words: 207
speed: medium
words per minute: 111
speech delivery: impromptu
audio visual support: no
conference participant: sponsor
conference participant ID: Braggion
gender: m
country: Italy
language: it
native speaker: yes
directionality: NA
materials provided to interpreters: none
audio link: DIRSI-2006-05-20-VR-CFF4-002-org-it
comments: audio problems)

buongiorno e buona giornata 0:2 // io vi porto il saluto della Società italiana fibrosi cistica che conoscete 0:8 // rappresenta quanti lavorano nell'assistenza e nella ricerca per la fibrosi cistica 0:15 //

è una società giovane nata non da molto però animata da molta volontà e il desiderio di far bene 0:23 //

collaborando con la Fondazione e con la Lega italiana fibrosi cistica su iniziative formative divulgative e di ricerca 0:35 //

oggi sul tappeto ci sono tre temi importanti importanti per gli operatori 0:42 // e su questi temi gli operatori sanitari lavorano in termini di protocolli di proposte di linee guida 0:50 //

ma ancora più importanti [technical problem] sono questi temi per malati e le loro famiglie perché diabete nutrizione l'informazione entrano nella vita quotidiana nella vita di tutti i giorni 1:9 //

è per questo che a me piace questa giornata e piacciono questi incontri perché mettono insieme proprio i due poli che si parlano 1:22 //

che sono da una parte gli operatori sanitari che propongono soluzioni analisi dei problemi e i malati che vogliono capire cosa è proposto loro e vogliono farsi parte attiva nelle scelte terapeutiche 1:37 //

i relatori oggi sono di grande rilievo e quindi faranno delle proposte porteranno la loro esperienza 1:46 // e quindi ci attende una giornata intensa e molto interessante 1:52 //

io vi auguro un buon lavoro

     Interpretation (TL text)

(conference title: IV Italian CF Spring Seminar, Recent Advances and Future Developments in CF Research
conference reference: CFF4
conference main topic: health
conference date: 2006-05-20
conference location: Verona
conference session: opening
session title: NA
speech event: opening-closing remarks
speech number: 002
speech type: int-it-en
speech title: NA
duration: short
timing: 113
speech length: short
number of words: 261
speed: high
words per minute: 139
speech delivery: impromptu
audio visual support: no
conference participant: interpreter
conference participant ID: UK-01
gender: m
country: Great Britain
language: en
native speaker: yes
directionality: A
materials provided to interpreters: none
audio link: DIRSI-2006-05-20-VR-CFF4-002-int-it-EN
comments: audio problems)

well good morning and I would like to greet you all on behalf of the Italian Cystic Fibrosis Society 0:9 which is the main representative of all people involved in cystic fibrosis on the care or research side 0:17 //

and this is a young society but we're full of good will and we want to do as much as we can 0:25 //

we work with the Foundation and with the Italian Cystic Fibrosis League with regard to training issues and so on 0:33 and also for research projects 0:36 //

today we have three fundamental topics for the operators concerned 0:43 and we'll be speaking about these 0:47 and we will be hearing about the protocols which have been used in these sectors 0:53 //

but we must consider that these subjects are fundamental for patients and their families because if we think about diabetes and nutrition these are part of day-to-day life for families 1:10 //

this is why I am very happy to open these proceedings and I'm very happy about these meetings because they're an opportunity to bring together two sides which can exchange 1:24 and exchange views with regard to solutions and analysis of problems 1:30 //

we have the researchers and the people involved in care and we have the patients and their family who naturally want to be in a position to have an active role in their choices 1:42 //

our speakers are very very highly qualified and they'll be talking about their proposals and their experience so that what's ahead of us is a very intense and interesting day's proceedings 1:53 //

so I'd like to wish you all an excellent day