Original Speech (SL text)

(conference title: IV Italian CF Spring Seminar, Recent Advances and Future Developments in CF Research
conference reference: CFF4
conference main topic: health
conference date: 2006-05-20
conference location: Verona
conference session: presentation
session title: Diabetes
speech event: floor allocation
speech number: 009
speech type: org-it
speech title: NA
duration: short
timing: 48
speech length: short
number of words: 97
speed: high
words per minute: 121
speech delivery: impromptu
audio visual support: NA
conference participant: chair
conference participant ID: Minicucci
gender: f
country: Italy
language: it
native speaker: yes
directionality: NA
materials provided to interpreters: NA
audio link: DIRSI-2006-05-20-VR-CFF4-009-org-it
comments: audio problems)

bene allora ringraziamo la la professoressa Moran che è stata estremamente abile nel fornire notizie tecniche molto precise e interessanti però mi pare in un linguaggio veramente comprensibile anche ai non addetti ai lavori 0:18 //

quindi è è stato veramente preziosa la sua relazione per cercare di ini- iniziare la la nostra discussione 0:28 //

prima però mi è stato detto che come ormai si usa ahimé c'è una pausa per la pubblicità e quindi inviterei un attimo il dottor Giulio Cabrini 0:38 // c'è sì 0:40 // deve dare un breve comunicato molto importante che si inserisce solo parzialmente però in questo discorso

     Interpretation (TL text)

(conference title: IV Italian CF Spring Seminar, Recent Advances and Future Developments in CF Research
conference reference: CFF4
conference main topic: health
conference date: 2006-05-20
conference location: Verona
conference session: presentation
session title: Diabetes
speech event: floor allocation
speech number: 009
speech type: int-it-en
speech title: NA
duration: short
timing: 48
speech length: short
number of words: 81
speed: medium
words per minute: 101
speech delivery: impromptu
audio visual support: NA
conference participant: interpreter
conference participant ID: UK-01
gender: m
country: Great Britain
language: en
native speaker: yes
directionality: A
materials provided to interpreters: NA
audio link: DIRSI-2006-05-20-VR-CFF4-009-int-it-EN
comments: audio problems)

well we would we would like to thank professor Moran who has been very very good at giving us very precise and interesting indications but she has been able to use down-to-earth accessible language for us 0:18 //

so her contribution has been greatly appreciated and we'’ll now have time to open the discussion 0:29 //

there is a short break our # Giulio Cabrini has to give a brief announcement before we can actually have the discussion 0:47 //

and so there is a brief interruption