Original Speech (SL text)

(conference title: IV Italian CF Spring Seminar, Recent Advances and Future Developments in CF Research
conference reference: CFF4
conference main topic: health
conference date: 2006-05-20
conference location: Verona
conference session: presentation
session title: Comunicazione via Internet
speech event: opening-closing remarks
speech number: 167
speech type: org-it
speech title: NA
duration: short
timing: 16
speech length: short
number of words: 31
speed: medium
words per minute: 116
speech delivery: impromptu
audio visual support: NA
conference participant: chair
conference participant ID: Borgo, Graziella
gender: f
country: Italy
language: it
native speaker: yes
directionality: NA
materials provided to interpreters: NA
audio link: DIRSI-2006-05-20-VR-CFF4-167-org-it
comments: NA)

allora io ringrazio tutti 0:2 //

avevo chiesto al professor Mastella di chiudere questa sessione // mi ha detto di chiudere 0:9 //

saluto il nostro presidente Vittoriano Faganelli 0:13 // saluto tutti voi e vi ringrazio tantissimo

     Interpretation (TL text)

(conference title: IV Italian CF Spring Seminar, Recent Advances and Future Developments in CF Research
conference reference: CFF4
conference main topic: health
conference date: 2006-05-20
conference location: Verona
conference session: presentation
session title: Comunicazione via Internet
speech event: opening-closing remarks
speech number: 167
speech type: int-it-en
speech title: NA
duration: short
timing: 16
speech length: short
number of words: 41
speed: high
words per minute: 154
speech delivery: impromptu
audio visual support: NA
conference participant: interpreter
conference participant ID: UK-01
gender: m
country: Italy
language: en
native speaker: yes
directionality: A
materials provided to interpreters: NA
audio link: DIRSI-2006-05-20-VR-CFF4-167-int-it-EN
comments: NA)

okay I would like to thank everybody 0:3 //

I asked professor Mastella to close the session but he asked me to close the session 0:10 //

I would like to thank our president mister Faganelli and I would like to thank all of you