Original Speech (SL text)

(conference title: V Italian CF Spring Seminar, Recent Advances and Future Developments in CF Research
conference reference: CFF5
conference main topic: health
conference date: 2007-05-11
conference location: Verona
conference session: opening
session title: Saluti e memoria del Decennale
speech event: floor allocation
speech number: 008
speech type: org-it
speech title: NA
duration: short
timing: 52
speech length: short
number of words: 90
speed: medium
words per minute: 104
speech delivery: impromptu
audio visual support: no
conference participant: organizer
conference participant ID: Mastella
gender: m
country: Italy
language: it
native speaker: yes
directionality: NA
materials provided to interpreters: NA
audio link: DIRSI-2007-05-11-VR-CFF5-008-org-it
comments: NA)

grazie dottor Braggion 0:2 //

darei la parola infine all'ingegner Ricciardi che è vicepresidente della Lega italiana fibrosi cistica ed è presidente dell'Associazione veneta fibrosi cistica 0:17 //

lui è anche il direttore generale di questo nuovo Istituto europeo di ricerca CF 0:24 //

ma volevo ricordare che i il nostro presidente è stato per molti anni presidente della Lega e l'ingegner Ricciardi della Lega italiana fibrosi cistica e l'ingegner Ricciardi ed è stato anche presidente dell'Associazione veneta 0:41 //

per cui Ricciardi rappresenta la continuità no una successione che ci auguriamo altrettanto efficace e longeva 0:51 //

ingegner Ricciardi

     Interpretation (TL text)

(conference title: V Italian CF Spring Seminar, Recent Advances and Future Developments in CF Research
conference reference: CFF5
conference main topic: health
conference date: 2007-05-11
conference location: Verona
conference session: opening
session title: Saluti e memoria del Decennale
speech event: floor allocation
speech number: 008
speech type: int-it-en
speech title: NA
duration: short
timing: 52
speech length: short
number of words: 117
speed: high
words per minute: 135
speech delivery: impromptu
audio visual support: no
conference participant: interpreter
conference participant ID: IT-01
gender: m
country: Italy
language: en
native speaker: no
directionality: B
materials provided to interpreters: NA
audio link: DIRSI-2007-05-11-VR-CFF5-008-int-IT-en
comments: NA)

thank you very much doctor Braggion 0:3 //

and finally I'd like to give the floor to doctor Ricciardi who's the vice president of the Italian League for Cystic Fibrosis and he is the President of the Association of Cystic Fibrosis of the Veneto region 0:18 //

he's also the general director of a a new European Institute of research for cystic fibrosis 0:26 //

and I'd like to say that our President has been President for many years of our League of the Italian League for Cystic Fibrosis and doctor Ricciardi was also president of the Association of the Veneto region of Cystic Fibrosis //

so Mr Ricciardi represents the continuity of our activities and we hope this will be very fruitful 0:50 //
