Original Speech (SL text)

(conference title: V Italian CF Spring Seminar, Recent Advances and Future Developments in CF Research
conference reference: CFF5
conference main topic: health
conference date: 2007-05-11
conference location: Verona
conference session: presentation
session title: Pharmacotherapy of the CF basic defect
speech event: procedure or housekeeping announcements
speech number: 047
speech type: org-it
speech title: NA
duration: short
timing: 30
speech length: short
number of words: 42
speed: low
words per minute: 84
speech delivery: impromptu
audio visual support: no
conference participant: organizer
conference participant ID: Mastella
gender: m
country: Italy
language: it
native speaker: yes
directionality: NA
materials provided to interpreters: NA
audio link: DIRSI-2007-05-11-VR-CFF5-047-org-it
comments: NA)

riprendiamo i lavori invitando il dottor Cabrini e il dottor Galietta a venire qua 0:9 //

il dottor Cabini modererà la sessione dedicata alla farmacoterapia prospettive di farmacoterapia nella fibrosi cistica di cui riferirà l'amico Luis Galietta 0:26 //

prego dottor Cabrini e dottor Galietta 0:30

     Interpretation (TL text)

(conference title: V Italian CF Spring Seminar, Recent Advances and Future Developments in CF Research
conference reference: CFF5
conference main topic: health
conference date: 2007-05-11
conference location: Verona
conference session: presentation
session title: Pharmacotherapy of the CF basic defect
speech event: procedure or housekeeping announcements
speech number: 047
speech type: int-it-en
speech title: NA
duration: short
timing: 30
speech length: short
number of words: 54
speed: medium
words per minute: 108
speech delivery: impromptu
audio visual support: no
conference participant: interpreter
conference participant ID: IT-01
gender: m
country: Italy
language: en
native speaker: no
directionality: B
materials provided to interpreters: NA
audio link: DIRSI-2007-05-11-VR-CFF5-047-int-IT-en
comments: NA)

we shall start our afternoon session 0:9 // I'd like to invite doctor Cabrini to join me here 0:14 //

he'll be the moderator of the afternoon session 0:18 // a session dedicated to pharmacotherapy of cystic fibrosis and some views on that 0:26 //

we will have doctor Luis Galietta presenting this subject 0:30 //

please you are welcome to join me here 0:33